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New Moon in Virgo 

This incredible combination opens up a world of possibility for us to recreate and romance ourselves. The fiery Leo energy is offering us a spotlight to tap into our creative prowess, make wishes and play like a child. It’s about a brighter future that allows our innate gifts to shine. There’s no dream too big for this lunar event.

Monday 6th October at 6pm on the Wellness Rooftop


Full Moon in Pisces 

Being the fourth full moon in between equinoxes, with two in the same sign in one month, is what makes this a Blue Moon. The outgoing Aquarius Moon and the charismatic Leo Sun tap into an energy of expansion and love, releasing whatever holds us back from living an authentic and joyful life. This is a full moon to let it all go and surrender into a greatness you can’t even imagine.

Monday 20th October at 6pm on the Wellness Rooftop



For more information and to reserve your spot, email:
