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New Moon in Pisces

As the new moon in Pisces rises, a host of planets join it in this energy: Neptune, Jupiter and the Sun. They collaborate amidst the dreamy nature of Pisces to help us achieve our desires, to activate our psychic gifts and encourage us to ask what our soul purpose is. Mars in Capricorn energy then gives us a push towards realizing those desires in well thought out ways, focusing on long term goals. The planets beckon us to imagine possibilities beyond our current experience, to remember how vast the universe and the insignificance of what we often stress over

Tuesday, March 1st, at 6:00pm – Wellness Rooftop

Full Moon in Virgon 

This full moon falls in the sign of Virgo while the Sun rests in the sign of Aries, pushing and pulling us in very different directions. Mars, Venus and Saturn hang out in Aquarius urging us to trust that our emotions & instincts will reveal right action. Even if that requires us to go the road alone. This is likely to be an emotional time as we navigate the space between what we know is best for us and what our peers have to say,

Friday, March 18th, at 6:00pm Wellness Roof Top

For more information and to reserve your spot, email:
